
Friday, 14 December 2012

My Book Stash - Ready for Confinement!

Yeah! These are the precious books I got from the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale. Thank you BBW!!

I bought 3 fiction, 2 books on pregnancy and parenting and one on health during our last trip to BBW.

I've already finished reading Nicole Croft's, The Good Birth Companion. I love her style of writing and the non-judgmental advice she dishes out. Very useful for one seeking for a natural birth. I totally agree with her on every subject:)

Personal Finance Books purchased during our first trip to BBW. All by my fave finance and business gurus!!

Now the final question is, will there be a third visit? It's just too tempting!! But at 36 weeks, I think it's best I stay put at home. Can't wait for next year's sale!!

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Week 35 Update

I am today 35 weeks into my pregnancy. According to the ‘I’m Expecting’ app, my twins are today the size of a honeydew each! I can’t be more thankful that we’ve made it this far - the 3 of us (mummy and twins). Alhamdulillah.. Both twins are very active and they’ll be kicking more in the presence of loud noises. Like yesterday night during my hubby’s appreciation dinner and last Monday night when we watched Wreck-it Ralph at TGV. Also whenever they hear songs from Voices of Ummi being played. Hubby says we should catch their wave-like movements on video but he hasn't managed to yet because they do it so spontaneously and we couldn’t take our eyes off my protruding belly when it happens!

Where physical changes are concerned, I am ofcourse feeling larger than the past few weeks, feets are really swollen and uncomfy (I’m wearing my huge pink crocs to work these days and even those are tight fitting), am getting more discharge than usual and feeling really exhausted early in the morning as well as towards the end of the day. I wake up at least 4 times during the night for trips to the toilet and that is one cause of morning weariness due to interrupted sleep.

Preparation wise, I have already gone to Darrusyifa’ Bandar Baru Bangi and had ‘selusuh’ made in the form of mineral water and dates. Selusuh is to be taken orally the few weeks leading to birth to aid in a smooth delivery. Both mineral water and dates have been read prayers to increase their positive vibration, God-Willing.

Other than that, I attended my last Maternity and Kids Expo this year at MidValley Megamall. We went there extra early to avoid the huge crowd. I managed to drop by’s and Dyna's Nursing Wear’s booth to purchase a nursing blouse and books on childcare and breastfeeding. Had a nice chat with owner, Pn. Kamariah too. The last purchase I made were 2 Snoozaboo baby sleep bags for the twins. It’s perfect for our tropical climate as their made from 100% cotton material, is light and most importantly, is locally manufactured. The founder who mended the booth even gave me further discount for purchasing 2! Lovely:)

My next appointment with Dr. Raja is on Monday, 10 December 2012. I’m really hoping that she’ll give me rest as it’s only 3 weeks away before the twins reach full term at 38 weeks. I really need a break from office routine. After all, birthing requires energy and I’ll need to gather as much of it as I can! That and the need to be as relaxed and as calm as possible.

Monday, 26 November 2012

To Vacation in JB

Despite my energy level harbouring on low, I feel a desperate longing to go on a family vacation. But I guess I have to wait until the twins are out and old enough at say 7 months maybe. I just heard about the newly opened Puteri Habour Family Theme Park in Nusajaya, Johor Bahru (JB). They have a Hello Kitty Town, the first outside of Japan and a Little Big Club featuring Bob the Builder, Barney, Angelina Ballerina, Thomas, Pingu and other characters found in Astro’s Disney Jr. channel that my son loves. He’ll definitely be in for a treat!

The twins will be 7 months in July next year and since we have a wedding to attend in JB that month, it’ll be perfect! I can imagine taking them out in the Maclaren twin triumph stroller  that we bought them. I’ll also have my Boba wrap ready for breastfeeding sessions. It’ll be so much fun! Can’t wait!!:)

Hariz may not know Hello Kitty yet but I'm pretty sure he'll enjoy the kiddy rides

Now these characters are all Hariz'a fave!!

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Tiny Tapir Warehouse Sale!!

Just when I thought I’m done with shopping for baby stuff, I come across this announcement in Wednesday’s The Star newspaper about Tiny Tapir’s Great Warehouse Sale to be held on 24th and 25th November at Taman Melawati.

Oh my goodness! Prefolds on discounts! Just what I’ve been looking for all these while as they don’t seem to be available at baby stores. So I guess I’ve got to head there after my translation exam on Saturday.

My, they have a whole lot of other natural parenting products on sale too. This can’t be true!! Arghhh.. Ok, I’m just going to get a few things which I’ve noted in my Galaxy Note and that’s it.

Oohh...they have these Zoobies on sale. I read on their facebook and blog that zoobies are stuffed animals that can be transformed into blankets and pillows. A 3-in-1 kind of toy. How cool is that?! And they’ll be on sale at 60% discount. Totally irresistible!!

Tiny Tapir also has a shop at Ampang Park. So maybe I can go there this Friday (tomorrow!) to check out their other products as a pre-sale inspection. Hehe...

Of course, I still need to factor in the fact that I’ll be near exhaustion in the afternoon after exams. But all totally worth it! Here I come:)

Read about natural parenting products available at the Tiny Tapir Baby Shop on 

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Change of Ob/Gyn

During my last check up as a fully paying patient (FPP) at Putrajaya Hospital, (HPJ) the Ob/Gyn advised me to go for a c-section despite the twins and my overall good health and the pregnancy going smoothly. She thinks that because I have waited so long for a second child and now I’m getting a second and a third, I just shouldn’t take any chances. Apparently in  her view, a c-sect is always safer. I however, totally disagree. Ofcourse I didn’t say it out loud in front of her because she wanted me to go home and think about it first. Does that mean she’s giving me choices or is her mind set on having me in OT?

To dispel myself of worries, I decided to seek for a second opinion. So that decision brought me to Columbia Asia Hospital in Bandar Puteri Puchong where I had my first consultation with Dr. Raja Juhaidah. She was actually recommended to me by my friend Reeny (of Kanda Dinda Wedding Cards) who delivered both her sons with Dr. Raja. Verdict: I feel more satisfied as Dr. Raja seems to favour natural births more than my previous Ob/Gyn at HPJ. I also like the environment of Columbia Asia and the nurses and midwives seem friendlier. So if all goes well, Insya’Allah I shall deliver my twins there with Dr. Raja, provided the twins arrive at full term (at least 36-38 weeks as private hospitals don’t come with enough incubators for preemies).

That's pretty much the entrance at Columbia Asia Hospital in Puchong taken from their official website

Here's Dr. Raja Juhaidah, also taken from the same website.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

33 Weeks

I am nearly 33 weeks into my pregnancy. This week I feel particularly exhausted and extra hungry all the time. I have about 5 more weeks to go.. I can’t wait to meet my twins.

There are still a few things that I have to settle before birthing them. This week alone, I have to sit for my translation exams during the weekend. And even before that, this coming Friday I have to complete 2 practical papers for two classes that I missed.

Then there’s still some laundry to be done. I need wash a load of baby clothes, blankets, mittens and booties. Also need to wash nursing pillow cover, diaper bag, pillows and co-sleeper covers.

When that’s been done with, I need to start packing a bag for hospital stay and luggages for my confinement period at my parents.

Lastly, I need to see Ustaz Harun Din for air selusuh and his prayers for a safe and smooth delivery. Oh, and I guess I can start taking 2 tablespoons a day of virgin coconut oil starting next week.

Saturday, 17 November 2012


I had quite a scare several days ago when I saw brownish blood stain on my undies. At first I thought, could it be time? But it shouldn’t be since I was only 31 weeks into the pregnancy then. What if the twins want to come out sooner? Gosh, I haven’t even washed their clothes yet. With it raining nearly everyday, I’m feeling tempted to buy a clothes dryer.

My antenatal check up at the hospital was the same afternoon. So instead of rushing to the hospital that particular morning, I went to work as usual. Apparently there were no more spotting that day..  During the checkup, the doctor did a swab and took it to the lab for further scrutiny. But she said the spotting was very little so there’s nothing to be worried about. Phew...